
Utilities • Updated 1 year ago
Price: Free

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Version 2.1.2 - 2022-12-08
Rating: 4.8625 of 5 with 80 votes

Created by:

Sindre Sorhus

Shortcuts using this app

Shortcut Stats App Category
Uploaded: 2022-12-12
Shortcuts v.
Build 1184.4.4

App Description

Supercharge your shortcuts with lots of useful actions.

It provides additional actions for the Shortcuts app.

The actions are not able to run on Apple Watch or HomePod.

The app is free without ads because I love making apps. Consider leaving a nice review.

■ Actions

- Add to List
- Apply Capture Date
- Ask for Text with Timeout
- Authenticate
- Blur Images
- Calculate with Soulver
- Choose from List (Extended)
- Clamp Number
- Combine Lists
- Convert Coordinates to Location
- Convert Date to Unix Time
- Convert Location to Geo URI
- Convert Unix Time to Date
- Create Color Image
- Create URL
- Edit URL
- Filter List
- Flash Screen
- Format Currency
- Format Date Difference
- Format Duration
- Format Number — Compact
- Format Person Name
- Generate CSV
- Generate Haptic Feedback
- Generate Random Data
- Generate Random Text
- Generate UUID
- Get Audio Playback Destination
- Get Battery State
- Get Device Orientation
- Get Emojis
- Get File Icon
- Get File Path
- Get High-Resolution Timestamp
- Get Index of List Item
- Get Map Image of Location
- Get Music Playlists
- Get Query Item Value from URL
- Get Query Items from URL
- Get Query Items from URL as Dictionary
- Get Random Boolean
- Get Random Color
- Get Random Date and Time
- Get Random Emoticon
- Get Random Floating-Point Number
- Get Related Words
- Get Running Apps
- Get SF Symbol Image
- Get Title of URL
- Get Uniform Type Identifier
- Get Unsplash Image
- Get User Details
- Hex Encode
- Hide Shortcuts App
- Is Audio Playing
- Is Bluetooth On
- Is Cellular Data On
- Is Connected to VPN
- Is Dark Mode On
- Is Device Orientation
- Is Low Power Mode On
- Is Online
- Is Reachable
- Is Screen Locked
- Is Silent Mode On
- Is Wi-Fi On
- Merge Dictionaries
- Overwrite File
- Parse CSV
- Parse JSON5
- Play Alert Sound
- Pretty Print Dictionaries
- Remove Duplicate Lines
- Remove Duplicates from List
- Remove Emojis
- Remove Empty Lines
- Remove from List
- Remove Non-Printable Characters
- Reverse Lines
- Reverse List
- Round Number to Multiple
- Sample Color from Screen
- Scan Documents
- Scan QR Codes in Image
- Set Creation and Modification Date of File
- Shuffle List
- Sort List
- Spell Out Number
- Transcribe Audio
- Transform Lists
- Transform Text
- Transform Text with JavaScript
- Trim Whitespace
- Truncate List
- Truncate Text
- Write or Edit Text

■ Support

I'm open to suggestions for more actions. Submit ideas and other requests through the feedback button in the main app or to [email protected]

■ Open-source

The app is open-source on GitHub (see the website).