Home Assistant

Lifestyle • Updated 1 year ago
Price: Free

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Version 2024.1 - 2024-01-29
Rating: 4.37316 of 5 with 678 votes

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Nabu Casa, Inc

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App Description

Control and monitor your home from anywhere in the world. Home Assistant Companion lets you control all your devices and provides advanced location and notification engines to allow for complex mobile automations.

Home Assistant is an open-source home automation platform that focuses on local control and privacy. Supported products include:

- Amazon Echo (Alexa)
- Apple TV
- Arduino
- Belkin WeMo
- Dark Sky
- ecobee
- Google Assistant
- Google Cast
- IKEA Trådfri (Tradfri)
- Kodi/XBMC
- MySensors
- Nest
- Owntracks
- Philips Hue
- Plex
- Pushbullet
- Sonos
- Wink
- Z-Wave

Home Assistant Companion requires an iPhone running iOS 12 or later and a configured Home Assistant instance. The instance must use Home Assistant Cloud or be accessible from the Internet and secured with a valid, non self-signed, SSL certificate for location tracking. Basic notifications work without external access.