Welcome to ShareShortcuts

Hey guys. We are excited to launch ShareShortcuts.com. A place for you to discover awesome new Shortcuts for your iPhone and iPad.

The built-in Apple Shortcuts Gallery is a human-curated gallery maintained by Apple for selected Shortcuts. ShareShortcuts.com is an open index; everybody can share their creations, and this gives you one of the largest selection of Shortcuts with everything imaginable.

Hope you like it. If you have any questions, just hit us up on Twitter at @ShareShortcuts


My name is Daniel Bahl and I've created this website called ShareShortcuts.com to index all of your awesome creations from the new Apple Shortcuts app. 🦄

Why create ShareShortcuts?

The Apple Shortcuts Gallery is a human-curated gallery maintained by Apple for selected Shortcuts.
ShareShortcuts.com is an open index; everybody can share their creations 😎

We are currently holding 2949 validated shortcuts in our database.

The Team Behind

Since opening ShareShortcuts.com in October 2018, we've grown a lot, with more than 200 verified awesome Shortcuts in the first 30 days (that's about 7 new Shortcuts per day).

We partnered with Shortcut-ninja Alexey (@xMrVizzy) and together with him we are launching several in-house Shortcuts for ShareShortcuts.com including our Hub for browsing ShareShortcuts.com from within the Shortcuts app. Pub for uploading new Shortcuts directly from within the Shortcuts app, and Updater allowing users to update thier installed Shortcuts to the newest version with one-click.

Daniel Bahl

Creator of the ShareShortcuts community - our UI and backend developer 🔩

Homepage Follow

Alexey Krainev

Creator of our awesome Hub, Pub and Updater - our Shortcut-ninja! 👾


Unique features:

Screenshots and Video:

We allow uploading up to 6 screenshots and 3 videos of every Shortcut making it easier for our users to see exaclt what the Shortcuts does.

External URL Scanner:

If there are any external HTTP/HTTPS URL-calls, we show this on the "Download Shortcut"-page to inform new users about what the Shortcuts communicates with out in the big big world.

Comment Parser:

Our Parser Bot detects and extracts automatically every comment inside the Shortcut and presents this information on the Shortcut-page on ShareShortcuts.com providing further description of the awesome Shortcut you have created :)

Create a free user:

You'll be able to customize, update and showcase your Shortcuts with a free user on ShareShortcuts:

  • Free now and forever
  • Edit Shortcuts after upload
  • Upload new versions with changelog
  • Native Updater suppor (coming soon)
  • Upload Screenshot and Videos
  • Screen Captures directly from iOS
  • Public Profile with all your Shortcuts
  • Links to your Twitter and personal homepage

We hope you like it :)