Utilities • Updated 3 years ago
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Well folks, this is my masterpiece. It is a 25-action Siri Shortcut designed for those (all-too-frequent, in my case) situations when you’ve lost track of where you last set your handset down, but you’re pretty sure it hasn’t wandered out of the house - probably not even out of the room.
In such a scenario - as long as one has Hey Siri enabled - the Shortcut will respond to “Hey Siri!!... Marco!”
The idea for this Shortcut dates back to iOS 12 Beta - when I first encountered Siri Shortcuts. For whatever reason, it didn’t take long for me to want a sort of call-and-return Shortcut for those (far too numerous) cases when I’d left my iPhone somewhere obscured in the room.
Turn Low Power Mode OFF
Turn Airplane Mode OFF
Turn Wi-Fi On
Turn Bluetooth On
Set brightness to 100%
Turn Do Not Disturb OFF
Turn appearance Light
Set playback destination to iPhone
Set volume to 89%
Vibrate device (Not currently working.)
Play my voice saying “Polo!” + a few other items
Toggle (flash) the flashlight 5 times (odd number leaving your flashlight on constantly unless it was on before the Shortcut was triggered)
Simultaneously (in the same repeat action) plays three separate classic Mac sounds 5 times.
Siri is supported