Messaging • Updated 6 years ago
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jText Delayed Time iMessage
v1.0 19Oct2018 - Initial version
v2.0 20Oct2018 - Added informational display to “Select Contact To Message” alert dialogue
@jonathandodds - [email protected]
(NB; read until the end to see why this will not always work due to an apparent security limitation)
Allows a user to send a delayed-in-time iMessage.That is, select your contact and write your message now, but have it sent automatically at a later date and time of your choosing.
Can only select a cell/mobile number for the moment, not iCloud email address, thus can only say this will work with iPhones and not iPads.
The app will work as expected for some length of time as long as the device is or remains unlocked. It appears that as soon as the device auto-locks then the process is hung up with the follow error given:
"The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: Locked ('unable to launch because the device was, could not be, unlocked")"
If you keep your phone unlocked long enough, perhaps while playing a game or working on something else, the shortcut should work.