Yah Wanna Play?

Fun • Updated 3 years ago

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Version 1.0 • 28455 unique downloads

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Before reading you must agree to not abuse this shortcut and to not say you made it, here is how it works, instructions on the inside of the shortcut as well. This Is A Pranking Engine! Edit The Title To a question like, “Whats my favorite color” or “what is my name and age?” then below put the prankers anser so if my freinds favorite color was grey I would put grey, then add somthing funny like “grey because of that one time when I pushed you in a lake and all you saw was the murky gray water.” When you are done call over your victim and tell them to tell siri the title of this shortcut! Dont give anything away! (Clearly may edit just dont say you made it please!)



  • Version 1.0   Current
    3 years ago (Changes)


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