Google Translate

Utilities • Updated 5 years ago

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Version 1.0 • 55446 unique downloads

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Does what you think it does, takes text and translates it using Google Translate! The translated text will be presented and can then be saved to your clipboard :) The Shortcut can also be used from other 


  • Works seamlessly without showing the user a webpage
  • Translate any text into your favourite languages!
  • This Shortcut can be called from another Shortcut and will return the translated text seamlessly (examples below)

Calling from another Shortcut 


  • This Shortcut uses UpdateKit (2.0) — A Shortcut for keeping shortcuts like these updated!
  • Credits to matheuss for his work, it helped me figure out how to get the Google Translate API working with this Shortcut

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  • Version 1.0   Current
    5 years ago (Changes)


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