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Control Centre 4
Rebuilt from the ground up to enable a smother running app.
New features
System status and restore
Full range of travel, locations and Directions
Share, backup
Built from the ground up Control Centre 4 is a powerful and versatile application combining many applications I have built now in one place. And with some of the best I felt would enhance Control Centre.
System status displays a device report to show
The Device, Battery Level, which Wi-Fi you are connected to along with the ip address and which Data Network connected to.
In addition it resets the following,Airplane mode Off, Bluetooth On, DND Off, Wi-Fi On,Data On, Low power mode Off.
Music. Allows you to find music by Artist, Album or Playlist and you can control playback and Volume.
Calendar. Add events and search for them
Volume, Brightness as per the tin.
Wi-Fi Bluetooth DND.Includes home and away control, all on, all off, share by QR code DND settings.
Travel,Directions and Locations. Includes Park My Car, in a short or Long stay car park using calendar to store the information.Return to car to get a google map walking directions, so you never lose you’re car again, in long stay you can record the multi story car park level, bay number or store a contact phone number.
Take me home, just be sure to add you’re address in here.
Share location by text.
Find local business just type in what you want when prompted.
Use Public Transport using the power of google maps will get you just about anywhere you want to go.
Directions to next event, finds events in calendar and takes you there.
Airplane mode is found here since you are travelling.
Share, Back up, subscriptions. Share you’re latest prize winning photos, back up shortcuts, and keep track of spending on apple subscriptions.
Daily section
News,Weather,Check my Calendar for today,Socail media
And check for updates
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