Instagram Media Saver

Social Network • Updated 3 weeks ago

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Version 1.76 • 41658 unique downloads

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![Alt Text](


This shortcut works on photos, videos, stories, and reels!

**NOTE:** iCloud Drive is **required** for this shortcut to work


**NOTE: as of version 1.55, this shortcut requires the Scriptable app to be installed. Do not change the name of the shortcut from "Instagram Media Saver" otherwise the setup may not work properly** 

If you run into an error that mentions an object is null or cannot be found, you should run a script to ensure that the app is working properly. An example script can be copied from [this location]( and pasted into a new script in the scriptable app. 

After you run it, the app should then work without issue to help in downloading Instagram media via the shortcut. The reason that Scriptable is needed / used now is due to the ability to store user cookies between sessions in the app. This is the reason for being able to download public and private media via the new methods implemented in the shortcut and also reason the shortcut has been reduced in action count.


Upon first running of the shortcut, you will he asked to choose which storage location you'd like media saved ("iCloud Drive", "Photos", or "Don't Store, Share Only"). 

If you choose "iCloud Drive", photos and the 

will be saved to the Shortcuts/Instagram Media Saver folder. You'll be asked if you want to copy the post text to the clipboard and if you want to save the post text. 

If you choose "Photos", you will get a prompt to copy post text to clipboard. 

If you choose "Don't Store, Share Only", you will be provided with a share sheet to share the photos to the standard share sheet options. You can also choose "Save Images" from there as well. (This is new as of 1.48)

To reset the settings, you can run the shortcut and be presented with the menu.

![MainMenu and Reset Settings](

After initial setup the main menu will change and have a switch to turn the notifications option on or off easily.

![New Main Menu After Setup](


### Instructions for post downloading

*    Find the Instagram post you want to download 

*    Share the post link to the Instagram Media Saver shortcut

![Find Post and Share](

*    Select your saving location (iCloud Drive or Photos)

![Choose Instagram Media Saver and Setup](

*   You can optionally overlay the username on the photos downloaded when downloading individual posts. Upon first run, you will be asked if you want to Always, Never, or Ask Each Time to overlay the username.

![Overlay Question](

* If there is more than one image or if there are images and videos

    * On first run, you can choose to Always or Ask Each Time for downloading all the items

    * It will prompt you for which items you want to save. The default is selection of all the items.

      * Tap Done

![Multi Media Post and Question](

* You will be asked on first run about copying the post text to clipboard. You can choose to Always, Never, or Ask Each Time

![Ask Clipboard Question](

* Example image with rounded rectangle overlay implemented in 1.29

![Example of Overlay from 1.29+](


### Instructions for Story downloads (works with private profiles)

* For public stories, you can share these directly from the app

* For private stories, you can share these from story viewing while in Safari.

* **Optionally** (new in version 1.55), you can copy the user's profile URL, then run the shortcut. You can then choose between saving the profile photo, or downloading the full story from the given user's account (this includes all story media from the user)

![Story Download Instruction](


### Instructions for Profile Photo downloads

* Go to the profile of a user you want the photo from

* Tap the three dots and copy profile URL

* Go to Shortcuts and Run Instagram Media Saver. 

* You can then choose between saving the profile photo, or downloading the full story from the given user's account. The photo will download to your chosen location along with the biography from the profile.

![profile photo download instruction](


### Instructions for Multi Post downloads

* **NOTE**:You must have the **[Instagram Indexer](** companion shortcut for this feature to work

*  Use the Indexer shortcut in Safari to index multiple posts from a given user


*  Run Instagram Media Saver

*  Choose "Run Shortcut"

*  Choose "Yes" when asked about downloading photos from the urls.txt file

![Run Shortcut And URLs.txt](

* Next you are presented with a choice to download all, half, or user choice amount of the post URLs

![Choose images From URLs text file to download](

* After choosing, the shortcut goes to work downloading the media

* If you wish to clear out the urls.txt file, you can do so from the menu that is presented when running the shortcut without input from the share sheet


If you've chosen iCloud Drive or Photos as your storage location, you can see the saved media in the brief notification banner (if you chose to enable it). 


### Instructions for Reposting Feature (single photo only due to Instagram Shortcuts action limitation)

* Download a post's media as you normally would above

* At the end of the shortcut running, you'll be asked if you want to enable the repost feature

* On future posts (if enabled), you'll be asked if you want to repost one of the photos from the post you just downloaded

* If you choose yes, the post text will be copied to the clipboard and you'll be prompted to post on Instagram (if there is more than one photo, you'll be asked to choose one)

* You can then paste the post text into the dialog box and post the photo


Shoutout to:

* ROP for MediaKit Banners and Badges used for this page also for [iOS Switches]( used in the shortcut

* D3W10 for Swing Updater E used in the shortcut

More updates will come in the future for various fixes (if needed). Watch for them in the Shortcut.

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  • Version 1.0
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