View URL

Utilities • Updated 6 years ago

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Version 1.0 • 55690 unique downloads

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# View Link

Sometimes I want to view the URL of a link whether it be from curiosity, suspicion, to save for later, or any other reason you would ever need to see it for. Often, I can force-touch or long-tap on a link pointing somewhere and a share sheet or menu will appear showing me the URL with a couple actions. Other times, I get nothing. I end up force-touching/long-tapping, copying (if given the option), and then pasting whatever it is into the most accessible text field I can get. Too much work.

With this Shortcut, force-touch or long-tap on a link and share it to this. A menu will appear showing the destination URL and giving you the options of opening the link in Safari or copying it to the clipboard. If the URL had been shortened, this Shortcut will expand it to us original form.



  • Version 1.0   Current
    6 years ago (Changes)


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