Shift Worker

Utilities • Updated 6 years ago

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Version 1.1 • 57105 unique downloads

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Shift Worker is an easy to use shortcut to add shifts to Calendar 

Create a new calendar called Work Shifts. And everything is then saved into the calendar, you have the options to change the day you start, by following the instructions inside the Shortcut.

You can add the work place location for the week in one go or if you work in different locations add them for each day, or even skip adding a location.

Start times can be adjusted follow the instructions as can the shift end time.

You can print out the shifts or see them at a glance. If you are using Shortcut Runner or Control Centre 5 you can the navigate to the locations using the Directions sections.

Enjoy Tony

Please note this is designed to be for a straight five day shift starting on a Saturday Sunday or Monday, you are able to change the start in the shortcut, it has not been designed with part-time working, however I am working on a part time version which I hope will be ready by month end.


  • Version 1.1   Current
    6 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 1.0
    6 years ago (Changes)


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