DataTables Csv

Utilities • Updated 6 years ago

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Version 1.0 • 56984 unique downloads

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This is a Shortcut for helping people display large amounts of data using DataTables. It doesn't do anything practical, its a starting point for creating you're own easy to use tables for viewing on mobile devices. 

This version will take csv and show as a table, please note it only deals with very simple csv, there's no dealing with escaped characters, or different flavours of csv at all. The csv is in as a Text Action at the top of the Shortcut. I have no idea if it will work with excel csv etc, I'm not trying to build a csv conversion tool that works for every use case, just give people a tool to build something useful to them. ie name,address,tel will work  
"name","address","tel" wont work

DataTables is used to show tables in a way that works better for mobile, with pagination, search, responsive tables and will bunch data with expand/collapse to make it easier to work with on mobiles. Check the site for more information.



  • Version 1.0   Current
    6 years ago (Changes)


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