Daily Briefing

Productivity • Updated 6 years ago

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Version 2.0 • 60439 unique downloads

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Shortcuts are fantastic and I've been having a lot of fun, however I haven't found them particularly useful, or at least something that can't already be done with an app.  However, one thing that I feel Apple has been missing is a daily email (like Gmail does) that displays your calendar for the day. I don't need Siri to read me things, I want to fire off an email to myself with all of the information I need for today so that I can sit down and digest the briefing when I get to work or on my commute.

To me, THIS is what shortcuts was designed to do.

Each section is commented out so that you can can edit and adjust these as necessary.

I have updated my last Daily Briefing shortcut with better and more precise information! The purpose of this shortcut is to Email you a daily agenda for you to peruse as you see fit. Each section is commented out so that you can can edit and adjust these as necessary.

HTML code has been updated SIGNIFICANTLY to be clean, clear, concise, and as professional as it can.

Same as before, I have included the following categories, however I have made some important changes (in bold):

  • Quote of the day (new source)

  • Random Shower Thought from r/Showerthoughts

  • Horoscope for the day (make sure to spell your zodiac sign correctly)

  • Top News (3 of the latest stories from Reuters, but you can customize yourself)

  • Today's weather (I have updated this to use Carrot, so you DO need the app. This will give much more precise information and I have coded it into paragraph form including today's high, low, current temp, feel like temp, wind speed and direction, precipitation chance, sunrise, sunset, and moon phase. There is also a NEW LINK for a full forecast from DarkSky based on your current location)

  • Schedule of events

    • All day events listed first

    • Remaining events for the day  (listed in event order, previously by calendar order and was out of sync for the day)

  • Reminders

    • Due today reminders listed first with Due Date/Time (also now includes due date reminders that have occurred in the past that have yet to be completed so they do not get lost)

    • Active reminders

  • Upcoming birthdays (the next 5 on your calendar...I made this shortcut a while ago but adapted it: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/comments/9ue06p/upcoming_birthdays/)

    • If the birthday is today, you will get a notification as well so as not to forget!

  • A daily joke to end your briefing

  • The shortcut now clears the clipboard used for the weather information.

  • The shortcut will now open your email, where you will be able to pick up the shortcut right away and then EXIT.


  • Version 2.0   Current
    6 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 1.0
    6 years ago (Changes)


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