
Utilities • Updated 6 years ago

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Version 1.1 • 55064 unique downloads

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UpdateHub was designed to keep all of your Shortcuts up to date without the requirement of running them individually. 

Caution: This Shortcut is currently in beta, you may experience issues.

Graphics by MediaKit


Bulk Search

Bulk Search is UpdateHub’s bread and butter, allowing you to check all of your Shortcuts for updates at once. This is achieved by parsing every Shortcut in your library and fetching the data stored in a ”Comment Action” at the top. This is the only thing you’ll need to add in order for UpdateHub to fetch the latest updates from RoutineHub.

Screenshots 1

Manual Search

Manual Search is an optional method to manually check RoutineHub for the latest update. This will only check the Shortcut you’re currently running and is lightning fast. This is achieved by a ”Text Action”with the name of your Shortcut and the ”Run Shortcut Action” linking to UpdateHub.

Screenshots 2

Version Rollback

Sometimes things break and us creators sometimes scramble trying to fix a broken update and publish a new version ASAP. To combat this issue, UpdateHub has support for rolling back an update. If there’s something wrong with a version currently accessible via RoutineHub and you delete it, anybody who has already downloaded it will be notified to downgrade the next time they check for an update.

Screenshots 3



Below you will find detailed instructions on how to implement UpdateHub into your Shortcuts. This includes options for hosting your updates on RoutineHub or privately hosting them. You will also find an extra (optional) step to manually check for an update through your Shortcut. This step can also be used to automatically check for updates every 24 hours, you can see an example of this in the DEMO provided.

Note: If you experience any issues or require assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me via Reddit.


Version Numbers

Multi-decimal version numbers are supported all thanks to the brilliant mind behind one of the more popular Shortcuts for iOS, UpdateKit. Mike Beasley recently updated his Shortcut to version 4.0, where he developed a script that will quickly compare two versions. Not only is UpdateKit Engine 1.1 most efficient way to do this, but it also supports multi-decimal version numbers. To learn more about UpdateKit and UpdateKit Engine, you can follow the link provided below.

Learn More

Bulk Search

Adding UpdateHub’s Bulk Search to your Shortcuts is quite possibly the easiest thing you’ll ever do. All UpdateHub requires from you to implement Bulk Search is a ”Comment Action” at the top of your Shortcut.

Due to the way UpdateHub fetches data from this comment, you may add some information about your Shortcut above the required text. Please keep this comment to a maximum of 12 lines in total to ensure UpdateHub can still find the data.


To check for the latest updates using RoutineHub, you can reference the image below.


Private Hosting

To check for the latest updates using a privately hosted JSON file, you can reference the image below.


Manual Search

To add a manual search to your Shortcut, use a Text Action containing the name of your Shortcut then add the Run Shortcut Action linking to UpdateHub. 

Response Codes

When you check updates manually through your Shortcut, you’ll finish with 3 types of response codes.

When no updates are found, you’ll be returned with “NO-UPDATE”. In addition to this, UpdateHub will also send a notification to the user to inform them that they’re up to date. 

If an update has been found and the user has chosen to install it, you’ll be returned with “UPDATE”. I highly recommend adding an Exit Shortcut Action if you are returned this code.

If an update has been found and the user has chosen to skip it, you’ll be returned with “SKIP-UPDATE”.

If there was a problem parsing data from the required Comment Action, you’ll be returned with “ERROR”.

Note: If you’d like to see this in action, you can download a demo that will check for an update automatically every 24 hours HERE



If you feel UpdateHub is the right fit for you and your Shortcuts, you may use the following on your RoutineHub page.




  • Version 1.1   Current
    6 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 1.0
    6 years ago (Changes)


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