Version : 1.3.4
Github : @MediaGrabber
Telegram : @ShortcutsApps
|| Made with ❤️ by Sayem ||
A partial list of supported sites is available here:
Report any issue on github.
Keep it to yes to suppress url prompts. It is helpful when your run from widget for background downloads.
Get json results from our backend server. The json results include all the information needed to download videos.
Errors have json value. This errors are usually from youtube-dl installed on backend server. Errors will be displayed with alert option.
Parse json for getting information on video url, title and formats.
Remove any illegal characters from title and replace with "_" for saving file.
Check if json results only have one single video or multiple.
Organise each video and audio with format and links for downloading at the next step.
Only support/show videos or audios with these format.
If video doesn't have any audio then skip adding to the list.
Get file-size in bytes and then format them in MB. If file-size information is not found in json then make a header request.
Remove anything inside brackets including brackets. We will add extension information inside brackets later. There is a space before first brackets.
If no downloadable link found show error with alert box and then stop executing further.
Choose default action. Case sensitive.
Proceed with either download, copy or nothing.
Downloading selected quality! If the video is large and your internet speed is slow then you might experience timeout error.
If file extension is any of this, display error. These are webpages or text file so the file was not actually downloaded.
Download failed. Proxifying your downloads now. Please wait...
Choose default action after download. Case sensitive.
File can also be saved from quick look using share button.
I use Browser app for saving my files. If you have any documents viewer you can select your apps here for saving to it.
Link will be copied to clipboard for downloading with external apps or sharing it with anyone.
Execution is complete. If you find any errors, report it on our telegram group @ShortcutsApps