/Start beginning of the game and passing values to the next spin. 2 variables are passed when the shortcut is rerun.
If bank is less < 1 go get the bank value from the bank.txt file.
/Start mechanical weighting
/End mechanical weighting
/Start get bet from last spin.
/Start see if this is a new game or the continuation of another game. This was needed because if the player leaves the game or if the shortcut crashes the game will continue until the player selects cashout.
/Start show the payout schedule
/Start add some money 💴 to the bank.
/Start cashin sound
/Start set flag that a new game has started
/Start set the max number in the random number generator. The higher the number the higher the odds.
/Start create the wheel table and the payouts per bet column.
/Start create the payout row indicator table. The spaces in the values are intentional to create room for "->" symbol which shows which row hit when three wheels match.
/Start create column indicator table used to capture the item position from the Symbols table value.
/Start if there is a bet then show the player the selection menu.
/Start set the bet amount
/Start end the the game and close the bank 🏦 out.
/Start reset the slots game flag to empty to ready for a new game
/Start clear the bank 🏦 to empty.
/Start clear the slots flag
/Start empty the bank 🏦
/Start generate the 3 random numbers
/Start Random number to mimic the mechanical positions on real slot machines.
/End Random number to mimic the mechanical positions on real slot machines.
/Start limit the payout calculation to only apply to the payable symbols. Eliminate action is the 3 numbers are ➖➖➖
/Start calculate winnings
/End calculate winnings
/Start highlight column
/End highlight column
/Start play win sound
/Start play jackpot 🎰 sound if won otherwise play win sound
/Start play lose sound
/Start play lose sound
/Start add money 💴 to bank 🏦