
API • Updated 4 years ago

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Version 10.7 • 44973 unique downloads

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R⤓Updater supports ShareShortcuts!!

R⤓Updater is only posted on RoutineHub to give a general downloads and hearts count. (𝗜𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗰𝘂𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗖𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗺 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗳 𝗶𝘁 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝗥𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗛𝘂𝗯) Run this shortcut or open the link bellow to install it!

Enjoy R⤓Updater!!



With R⤓Updater you can check for updates with or Without running your shortcuts from the RoutineHub & Shareshortcuts and Custom Server with one of the fastest shortcut.

Why R⤓Updater?

There are so many shortcut updators out there, so what makes R⤓Updater different than others?

It runs extremely smooth, fast, beautiful, functional, and powerful

R⤓Updater is the only shortcut that supports all of these features in one shortcut:


  • Supports multiple languages
  • Faster
  • Check For Updates Without Running Your Shortcuts
  • Embed R⤓Updater In Your shortcut !!
  • Release Updates To RoutineHub
  • Supports ShareShortcuts , RoutineHub and Custom Server
  • Updater Engine
  • All Versions Support!
  • Supports all codes or dictionaries



  • English
  • Arabic


One of the fastest shortcuts out there for updating shortcuts




And Custom Server.

Check For Updates Without Running Your Shortcuts

R⤓Updater CFU Feature


How do I update shortcuts without running them?


The first method: you add a dictionary in a place in your shortcut (you do not need any other actions or a special dictionary). You can use the main dictionary, it doesn't matter!

The dictionary should consist of:


To check for the latest updates using RoutineHub, you can reference the text below:

  • Name
  • Version
  • RH ID or RoutineHub ID

As shown in the picture:dicti


To check for the latest updates using ShareShortcuts, you can reference the text below:

  • Name
  • Version
  • SS ID or ShareShortcuts ID

As shown in the picture:dicti

Private Hosting

To check for the latest updates using a privately hosted JSON file, you can reference the text below:

  • Name
  • Version
  • Update URL

As shown in the picture:dicti


Bulk Search is R⤓Updater’s bread and butter, allowing you to check all of your Shortcuts for updates at once. This is achieved by parsing every Shortcut in your library and fetching the data stored in a ”Comment Action” at the top or Anywhere. This is the only thing you’ll need to add in order for R⤓Updater to fetch the latest updates from RoutineHub.


To check for the latest updates using RoutineHub, you can reference the text below:


Current Version: "VERSION"
RoutineHub ID: "ID"



To check for the latest updates using ShareShortcuts, you can reference the text below:


Current Version: "VERSION"
ShareShortcuts ID: "ID"


Private Hosting

To check for the latest updates using a privately hosted JSON file, you can reference the text below:


Current Version: "VERSION"
Update URL: "URL"


To ensure your privately hosted JSON file is in the correct format, I recommend using THISShortcut to create it.

What does mean (supports all Codes)?

This means that you can use all dictionaries whether you are using RoutineHub or ShareShortcuts, such as:pic1pic2pic3pic4

And etc.

There are a lot of codes you can use there is no "condition" and if there is a dictionary that does not support it, report me about it so that I can add or fix it

R⤓Updater Engine

Magic and functionality is possible because of R⤓Updater Engine, this JavaScript Engine allows R⤓Updater to recognize Updates from Rollbacks, one decimal from multi decimal and numbers from words. Like:

RoutineHub, ShareShortcuts, Anywhere

Do you want to publish your shortcut in another place? Like ShareShortcuts or in your Server? Ok, it’s alright, R⤓Updater supports the 2 most famous Shortcut Sharing Websites and even your server if you want it too!

Version Numbers

Check for updates supports multi-decimal version numbers and Alphabetical Versions.

multi-decimal numbers:

Your version numbers on RoutineHub must match the version in your dictionary. Version numbers are numbers such as 1.5.2 or 2.1or .6, any value with multiple numbers and decimals.

All versions support!

R⤓Updater is one of the few updaters that support all the type of versions, since normal versions like 1.40 to multi decimal 5.9.4 and fully worded versions like -alpha- , -beta- , -build--test- or -secret-, no matter what version you put, R⤓Updater will always show you that you have an Update or a Rollback.

Note: The word must be inside - like:


Alphabetical or Beta Versions:

Beta Updates

Beta Updates are an optional feature for creators that applies the same simplicity towards beta version of their Shortcuts. This will finally allowing users an easily solution to finding and installing the latest (beta) versions of their favourite Shortcuts. This will work seamlessly.

Build Number

Build Numbers are an optional feature for creators that was designed to work perfectly alongside beta updates. This will allow you to maintain the version number of an upcoming release while still pushing updates to your beta testers. When you’re done with the version you can simply remove the build numbers and R⤓Updater will recognise this is a new update, not a rollback.

Build Numbers

As you can see from the examples below, build numbers are created by adding ”-TEXT-NUMBER”. You may replace the first part with any text you like or you can use “alpha” and “beta” which is recommended. The second part is your build number, simply start from 1 and work your way up until you’re ready to release the update to everybody, at which point you will remove all additional data and return the a standard version.


10.0-alpha-17 — UPDATE — 10.0-beta-1

10.0-beta-12 — Rollback — 10.0-alpha-12

10.0-beta-1 — UPDATE — 10.0

3.0 — Rollback — 3.0-alpha-12


10.0-secret-12 — UPDATE — 10.0

10.0-build-24 — ROLLBACK — 10.0-test-18

Updaters with Update Engines are more stable and work better than updaters without update engines or updaters with 0Masking.

Shortcuts without Update Engine or shortcuts with 0Masking cannot distinguish between Update or Rollback !!! Which means that the shortcuts that use the Engine are able to know if it is an Update or a Rollback!!

Developer Tools:

Result Codes

Do you want to run specific actions depending on what the user have chosen? When R⤓Updater stops running, it will output some result codes.

R⤓Updater API

You can get the information about an update or know what R⤓Updater version the user is running using R⤓Updater API, there are 2 API's:

Get Info - Get information about an update if it is available.API1

Check Version - Get the version of R⤓Updater that the user is running.API2

Update Prompt:

Rollback Prompt:

Made by

R⤓Updater Badge


Graphics made with MediaKit


  • Version 10.7   Current
    4 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 1.4
    4 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 10.7
    4 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 10.7
    4 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 1.0
    4 years ago (Changes)


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