Travel and Maps • Updated 1 year ago
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OpenPilot is self-driving car software that's compatible with 250+ cars. You can make your existing car self-driving for around $1500. See for more info.
This is a set of iOS (and macOS) Shortcuts that let you quickly set the OpenPilot navigation 🔗 destination from your iPhone, hands-free or not.
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Here are Siri Shortcuts that provide the following functions for iPhone, iPad, and Mac users.
Download and install the OpenPilot Siri Shortcuts by tapping the following links on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac
On first run, you'll be prompted to give permission for the shortcuts to do things
Navigate with OpenPilot JWT token
dongle id
set multi-device behavior
set default map app
set number of recent locations to show
set home address
set work address
set one or more favorite places
Run all shortcuts immediately to acquire permissions and enable hands-free use on subsequent runs
If Siri will not recognize the word "OpenPilot" when you speak, you can "teach" it the word by adding a new contact called OpenPilot, and by specifying a phonetic name for it
Siri is supported
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