Get Sauce

Photos and videos • Updated 3 years ago

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Version 4.3 • 35849 unique downloads

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Reverse Image Search for Manga, Anime, CGs, etc. with 10 Different Search Engines.

Get Sauce makes it easy to find the sources of your images.

Run it directly or through a share sheet.

App Version

I made an app version that is faster and more convenient.
It requires iOS 14+, macOS 11+, visionOS 1+, or Android 7+. If you are using iOS 13, continue to use the shortcut version.

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Get it on Google Play

Supported Search Engines

Get Sauce supports the following 10 different search engines:

  • SauceNAO
  • IQDB
  • 二次元画像詳細検索 ― Ascii2d
  • WAIT: What Anime Is This? ―
  • Karma Decay (3.0+)
  • TinEye Reverse Image Search
  • Google Images
  • Bing Visual Search (3.0+)
  • 百度识图搜索 ― Baidu Images
  • Яндекс.Картинки ― Yandex Images

3.2 UPDATE: Added customization feature!
You can now hide the search engines you don’t use in Settings. (Especially if you’re not into anime.)


iOS 14 iOS 13

Required Permissions

You may get confirmation alerts the first time you run Get Sauce or after an update. Be sure to allow all of them for the shortcut to run properly.

  • Run other shortcuts (Only on iOS 13)
    • Action-tracking scrolling significantly degrades performance. To prevent it, the shortcut re-runs itself in the background.
  • iCloud Drive
    • Save the configuration file (’/Shortcuts/Get Sauce/config.json’).
    • Browse and import your image files.
  • Clipboard
    • Check if the clipboard has contents.
    • Import images or URLs from the clipboard.
  • Camera
    • Take photos and import them.
  • Photo Library
    • Create Use Latest Photo preview icon.
    • Browse and import your photo medium.
  • Internet (Required for each domain)
    • Used for various purposes such as checking for updates, obtaining image URLs, and calling APIs.


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  • Version 4.3   Current
    3 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 4.3
    3 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 4.2
    3 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 4.1
    3 years ago (Changes)
  • Version 1.0
    3 years ago (Changes)


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